
澳门十二生肖买马网站的家 » 学术事务 »学院常见问题解答




  1. 我在哪里可以找到我的课程?
    My Courses is found on the Faculty Tab in My Solano for faculty and on the Student Tab for students.

  2. 我为什么要使用我的课程?
    This new tool will help students and faculty communicate and share information such as syllabi, 家庭作业, 考试和一般课程问题. Every class offered here at SCC will have a My Courses shell. 虽然不需要使用我的课程, 这是鼓励的, since posting documents online will help keep SCC green and reduce printing costs.

  3. 我必须使用我的课程吗?
    No, My Courses is available for faculty to use as a resource to post class information, 这不是必需的.

  4. 谁会看到“我的课程”频道?
    学生将在学生选项卡上看到我的课程频道, 教职员工会在faculty选项卡上看到它.

  5. 我可以通过我的课程进入学院吗?
    No. 在我的课程频道, there is a SolanOnline or eCollege notice which explains that online classes are not yet accessible from MyCourses. Please let students know that they must use the SolanOnline link to access their Online Class.

  6. 什么是“我的课程安排”页面?
    The My Courses Schedule page will list all classes that students are enrolled in and all classes which an instructor is teaching. It will list prior semesters as an archive for materials that might be needed for current terms.

  7. 为什么在“我的课程时间表”页面上列出了过去的学期?
    Prior semesters are listed as an archive for materials that may be needed for current terms.

  8. 什么是课程主页?
    When clicking on a course the link will take you to the Course Homepage. 这是课堂信息和材料可以张贴的地方. 在左边你会看到课程工具, 内容的工具, and Configuration Tools; on the right is Course Information.

  9. 什么是课程工具?
    课程工具主要供学生使用. Here is where they may upload course information and related items. Students may upload material, but it will require your approval before being posted.

  10. 什么是内容工具?
    The 内容的工具 are for faculty to upload course information and related items. Here you will manage the various sections that comprise the Course Homepage.

  11. 配置和个人工具


  1. 沟通工具是什么?
    There are three different communication tools within My Courses: 电子邮件, Announcements, and News. 每个人都熟悉电子邮件. Announcements are an internal communication tool within My Solano and News is used to communicate solely within My Courses. We encourage using these Standards when communicating with your students to minimize over communication via email and to ensure students receive important notices in a timely manner.

  2. 电子邮件
    We must emphasize that 电子邮件 should be used only for immediate communications that students must receive in a timely manner. The reason for this is we do not want to fill up students email boxes, and instead use either Announcement or News to relay non-critical messages to them. Examples for using email are, Class Cancelations, Emergencies, etc.

  3. 我如何发送电子邮件?
    1. 给全班发一封电子邮件, click the check box at the top of the list next to Member Name. 发给一个或更多的学生, click on the check box next to that students name or multiple students if needed, 然后单击“发送电子邮件”按钮.
    2. 在To:字段中,它将显示undisclosed -收件人, and that is to conceal the students email address for safety.
    3. 输入Subject,然后输入Message.
    4. Common text editing tools are available at the top and common email tools, 比如附件和拼写检查都在底部.
    5. 点击发送,电子邮件将被发送.

  4. 什么是公告?
    Announcements are special because they show up in two different locations within My Solano. They show up on your Course Homepage and also in the Personal Announcement channel on the MySolano tab. We encourage using the Announcements for events and activities that are related to the course. Please do not use Announcements for Emergencies as Students must login to see it and email is a more immediate tool for emergencies.

  5. 如何发送通知?
    1. To send an announcement, go into Manage Announcements and click on New Announcement.
    2. 创建标题和公告.
    3. 选择公告将处于活动状态的天数. 期限是14天.
    4. 点击发送.
    You should see your announcement appear on your course homepage and in the Personal Announcement channel on the MySolano tab. You will need to logout and log back in to see the Personal Announcement.

  6. 什么是新闻工具?
    The News tool is used to help direct students to new content that you have posted within your Course Shell. 新闻应该用来引导学生到新的文件, 链接, or other course related materials that you have recently uploaded. 所有新闻条目将显示在您的课程主页上.

  7. 我如何使用新闻工具?
    1. 进入“管理新闻”,选择“发布新文章”.
    2. Change Status to Active, create a Title, and type in or paste your news message.
    3. Hit post and the news article will appear on your course homepage.


  1. I have a student with a disability in my class, will My Courses content be accessible?
    简而言之,可能. All of the PDF’s will be accessible if they have been uploaded according to the stated procedure, 也就是说,如果PDF是由word文档制作的. 然而, 扫描的PDF将无法访问, 请尽量避免上传扫描的PDF文件. All images will be accessible if you create a descriptive caption for the image when it is uploaded, and in fact the system requires you to do this before an image will be uploaded. 所有上传的视频内容必须加上字幕. If you have a scanned PDF or an uncaptioned video please contact the Alternate Media Specialist at altmedia@hkwroof.com before you upload the content so that he can help you make your content accessible.

  2. 我班上有一个残疾学生, I followed all the procedures and still he/she says my content is not accessible, 我该怎么办??
    Please fill out the following form so that DSP can better understand the nature of the problem:
    我的课程住宿申请表. Someone from the DSP office will contact both you and the student and together we will develop a strategy to make sure that all course material is as accessible as possible. Please keep in mind that DSP is a voluntary program and we cannot force students to join our program or take advantage of our services.